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Complete overview () of your business finances in Crypto and Fiat

Achieve full transparency in crypto accounting for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies

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See expenses and income in real time in 10k+ coins and 150+ fiat currencies
Both crypto and fiat
Accounts and transactions are linked to cost types and clients automatically
Expense management
Reporting for multiple companies in any crypto and fiat currency on a single dashboard.
Transparent accounting
Control your financial condition in real time
Automate collection and classification of transactions
Schedule payments with integrated payments calendar
Rich reporting
Scalable solution to meet your business needs
Use SMPLR to make well-informed financial decisions and improve your performance
A solution for freelancers to easily manage and track income and expenses in crypto and fiat
For founders
Real-time financial management to track transactions and make data-informed decisions
For accountants
Now let’s talk about you
Tell us more about your business and the specific problems you face. We will help you create your company statistics.