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Financial management SMPLR than ever
Speed up budgeting and reporting
Key tech tool
for CFO in Web3 companies
and compute profit and losses automatically
Key tech tool for CFO
Company request: Lessen the involvement of the CEO in the routine procedures. Increase the speed of financial management by transparent check and report system.
SMPLR solution: One of the best SMPLR features is to automate every process you need. For instance, the app will label all the incoming and outgoing transactions and compute profit and losses automatically.
Company request:
Bonus: company’s performance grew due to the greater involvement of C-level financial managers in strategic targets and less in routine operations.
Expenses approvement became 2-3 days faster due to transparency and access of CFO and CEO access to the budget dashboard in SMPLR

2-3 days faster
10 - 40 hours of working time is saved due to set of automations for transactions labeling and report creation.
10 - 40 hours
SMPLR solution:
transparent check
every process
Other cool features
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